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Pick-Up/Drop Off


In the morning and afternoon when buses are using the circular driveway, cars are prohibited from driving into that area. Times for this are located on the sign posted at the beginning of the driveway. Please take note.
We ask that parents leave their children at the door when they are dropped off in the morning. Children are encouraged to gain independence and need to walk to their classrooms on their own.

Drop off and pick up at the West Villages Elementary School for parents who will be driving their children to and from school will occur in the circular driveway located on Osterville West Barnstable Road. You should enter from the driveway located closest to the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts which are visible from the road. The first car will pull up to the door, and each subsequent car will wait its turn one behind the other. The pattern used has cars making a line that curves throughout the adjacent parking lot. The doors will open at 8:45 AM and dismissals will begin at 3:20 PM. Each of these processes will be overseen by school staff.

Please Note: for safety, we are not able to dismiss or make transportation changes after 3:00 PM. If you call 508-420-1100 or e-mail ( to request that your child be dismissed after 3:00 PM you will need to wait until the school dismisses at its normal time as it is important not to disturb the classrooms at the end of the day.



Parents should send a note to school at the beginning of the year to inform the office that their child will be walking home for the duration of the school year.


  1. It is your responsibility to be sure that your child attends school daily. Parental notes are required for students’ absences and tardiness.
  2. Frequent or prolonged absences or repeated tardiness without satisfactory explanation shall be grounds for disciplinary action.
(Excerpt from the School Handbook)